Merry Christmas to all! God Jul!
Yeah, the hole in the mouth is supposed to be there! I'm looking all over for a pump that is solar powered. The electric ones seem so big. And I saw a battery powered online but not in Sweden. The tub/bowl that the lion will rest on is still curing. I think I got the wrong kind of sand this time, or that I have too much sand compared to cement mix. I read some where that every time you try a new mixture you should write down on note cards the amounts so that is easier the next time to know what was good or bad. Good advice, I should try it some time! Still moving Emily out, the stuff at home now is probably stuff she doesn't want but.......her barbies and beaniebabies are going after her!!
Have lots of plants to put in the garden. I don't know why I ordered, bored at work and it was fun to order online from odla.nu and now all of a sudden theres this big box on my doorstep and I have to find room for it!