tisdag 16 december 2014

Dreaming of a White Christmas.......

This is what it was like in Sister Bay, WI, the day after Thanksgiving! I hold that dear to me now as in Stockholm it can't be any grayer , no snow and dark. Just a week left to get in the spirit

torsdag 27 november 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

A special thanksgiving today 27 November, my Emily's 27 th birthday. Still dark here in Sister Bay but soon I will wake K and drive to Green Bay and pick Em, Seb and little Noah up. And at home, William is trying to get things ready for the 1st of advent!

fredag 7 november 2014


November kaktus time. It's amazing how much you can ignore a plant and it still blooms so beautifully!

This is the concrete pot without flower, well, with it's own concrete flower!

söndag 26 oktober 2014

Fall at Vätö

Fall plantings and why did I make such big pots? I bought more heather for the graves only to find out that Elin had already planted there.

So thought I would plant them in them in these urns, but only enough for one. 

måndag 20 oktober 2014


Är det för tidigt ? Playing with some flowers, out with the heather and in with the tomte! Moved all my gerinamums out to Vätö, so they can have a nice winter. Not sure what to do with succulents, can they take the cold in a pot, or should they be planted in the ground? And the ivy?

Now the garden is pretty well ready for winter. It gets harder every year to put away the table and chairs, AND the plants. Too many concrete pots to take them in, but they will be ok.  Those that didn't get a drainage hole will be flipped upside down and get buried(maybe) under snow until spring. As beautiful as fall is, it still is depressing!

As soon as I brought this in, it bloomed again!

onsdag 1 oktober 2014


And now I have another title! I've been Phyllis and Howard's youngest, Sue, Brent and Jill's little sister, Ketil's wife, Emily, William, and Martins mom, the American, the Swede, ex-Olympian, ex-kayaker, etc, etc. and now I'm a grandma! Mormor! Livets efterrätt har jag hört.  I can't wait to see the little guy! The first picture I saw, I swear he had more wrinkles than me! He'd been in the "tub" too long.  Well back to work to finish this before I meet the prince!