Well, now it's been so long that I almost forgot how to log in!So much going on as always this time of the year! This week is SVK klubbfest and next week is Williams graduation, and then the week after is Emily's. Trying to get the garden here at home presentable along with projects out at Vätö. And trying to get things ready to take to Högmarsö. And some orders coming in for bird bathes, etc! And normal work of course last on my list! The sign is for Stenes Änglar, kläd och inrednings butik at Högmarsö.

The hearts are to rest your eyes while waiting for the flowers to come up, my neighbor gave me "blommor för dagen"-morning glory? My orginal idea was to go with much bigger rebar but I couldn't get it in the car. Plus this being even less than half the height, it is very instable, not good as planned to use around our outside shower!